The QB From Florida: Nick Vattiato

Nick Vattiato was born in, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and plays Quarterback at University School. According to 247 Sports, Nick is Top 60 at his position. According to 247 Sports, his top offers include, Louisville, Wake Forest, and Kentucky.
For Highlights:https://www.hudl.com/profile/9625404/Nick-Vattiato
Growing up, were you inspired by any NFL Players?
All NFL Quarterbacks I looked up to. They are where I wan to be one day.
What high school is your biggest rival?
We do not really have a rival
What songs do you listen to pregame, to get you hyped up?
I just listen to whatever they are playing on the speakers in the locker room.
What is your offseason training like?
Lifting, Running, and Position work every day, all day. Always something to work for.
What is your favorite memory of your high school career?
Starting my first game as a frshman, and throwing 5 Touchdowns.
What parts of your high school game, do you hope to transition to the college level?
All of it. I think I have great composure in late game situations and I always get the job done.
What do you look for in choosing a college?
I want to go somewhere I can grow as a player and a person.
When did you start looking at colleges, and when did colleges start looking at you?
Colleges started recruiting me my freshman year.
If you could meet one sports hero, who would it be?
Walter Payton
What is your favorite sports moment, as a fan?
Watching the Buffalo Bills every Sunday.