One Of The Best Tight Ends In The Class Of 2022: Donovan Green

Donovan Green-Dickinson Tight End

Donovan Green is a 4 Star recruit who plays Tight End at Dickinson High School. Green is ranked as the 69th best recruit in the class of 2022 according to ESPN and is ranked as the #2 Tight End in the class as well. In addition, he is listed as a Top 20 recruit in the state of Texas and is listed as the #1 Tight End in Texas. His top schools include, Oklahoma, Florida, and Texas A&M among others.

Growing up, were you inspired by any NFL Players?

 I have been playing football since I was 4 but I didn’t really start watching football a lot till I got into the 7th grade so I guess i could say no but right now I just watch Kittle and Kelce right now.

What high school is your biggest rival?

Our biggest rival is Clear Springs

What songs do you listen to pregame, to get you hyped up?

 I just listen to whatever my teammates play I don’t really know the names to the songs I just be on my own and chill.

What is your offseason training like?

As soon as football ends I go to basketball so my off season starts around spring ball then when summer hits I just work out with a trainer and my school.

What is your favorite memory of your high school career, so far?

My favorite memory is making it to state for basketball.

What parts of your high school game do you hope you can transition to the college level?

I hope I can transfer all parts of my game to college.

What do you look for in choosing a college?

I look for a school that can prepare me for life after football and somebody who knows how to use a TE.

When did you start looking at colleges, and when did colleges start looking at you?

I started looking at colleges when they started looking at me and that was the beginning of my sophomore year.

f you could meet one sports hero, who would it be?

I would probably want to meet George Kittle.

What is your favorite sports moment, as a fan?

My favorite sports moment is when Floyd beating McGregor to finish off his undefeated career.