Making It Happen With Matthew Geeting

Matthew Geeting was born in, Chino Hills, California, and plays Quarterback at Chino Hills High School. Geeting is a top 20 QB in the state of California. Matthew is commited to play at Middle Tennessee State next fall.
For Highlights:https://www.hudl.com/profile/6133602/Matthew-Geeting
Growing up, were you inspired by any NFL Players?
Growing up, my family was a 49er family so naturally I was raised a niner fan. My dad would always tell me about Joe Montana, the old 49er QB who went 4-0 in Super Bowls for the niners and then as I grew up I was able to watch some of his games and play online and he became my inspiration growing up as a QB and a leader.
What high school is your biggest rival?
Our biggest rival at Chino Hills is our cross town rival Ayalaa High School. We all grow up playing football together for the same junior all american teams but end up splitting in high school so you can just expect how much emotion and passion are in those games.
What songs do you listen to pregame, to get you hyped up?
My pregame playlist varies on the team. Whatever my mindset or goals were during the week usually carry on into my pregame playlist but of course all the songs are to hype me up for the game.
What is your offseason training like?
With Corona it is changed a lot but not as much. I will have my Quarterback coach that I work with about 2-3 times a week for about 2 hours. Also lifting 5 days a week with my close guys on the team as well as throwing at my school with some of my receivers to get my chemistry going for the following year.
What is your favorite memory of your high school career?
My favorite memory has got to be my game winning drive against Damien High School. They are a team in our league and it came down to the end. I had 2 minutes and we needed a touchdown and I ended up throwing the game winning TD with 17 seconds left to my running back on a wheel route. Just the feeling after he caught it is indescribable.
What parts of your high school game, do you hope to transition to the college level?
My mental game is the thing I am hoping to translate the most. I feel as though my biggest strength is my mind and how much I know about football. All the other physical stuff of course I want to transfer but at the same time those things I will build more and more throughout my college career.
What made Middle Tennessee State stand out from other schools?
MTSU is a perfect fit for me. The scheme is the same scheme I ran in high school. The coaches there are elite! My QB coach that will be there, Tony Franklin is an offensive guru and I am hoping that I will grow more as a Quarterback and a person, as well as win many games hopefully.
What do you want to accomplish on and off the field during your time at Middle Tennessee State?
On the field my goal of course is to win a National Championship. I am going to work my hardest and push my teammates to the same goal that I have nothing short of that! Off the filed I hope to inspire kids who have a goal of playing college football as well as be a positive influence to the community.
If you could meet one sports hero, who would it be?
If I could have met him, I would have loved to meet Kobe. He has always been my favorite sports idol of all tiem ever since I was 3. His mindset is second to none and he is just a great player too. He had a killer mentality always. I used to watch Kobe highlights in my leadership class all year in middle school, that is how much I loved him.
What is your favorite sports moment, as a fan?
As a fan, my favorite sports moment was Kobe BryantÅ› farewell game vs the Utah Jazz. I remember where I was watching the game and I can almost call the whole game from memory. It was just fitting for Kobe to end off his career with the greatest offensive performance for a farewell game ever.