A Future NHL Star: Carson Lambos

Carson Lambos-NHL Prospect

Carson Lambos is one of the best young NHL prospects in the world. Lambos is projected as a early first round pick in the 2021 NHL Draft.

Growing up, were you inspired by any NHL Players?

Growing up, I was inspired by Dustin Byfuglien. His ability to look like he was having so much fun playing hockey was something that I loved to watch as a Winnipeg Jet fan.

What songs do you listen to pregame, to get you hyped up?

Pregame I am very open to any music. The two genres that get me ready to go is Hip- Hop and Electric/EDM. One of my favorite songs is No Church in the Wild by Jay- Z and Kanye West.

What is your offseason training like?

My offseason training is being in the gym 5 times per week as well as being on the ice about 3-4 times per week.

What is your favorite memory of your career, so far?

My favorite memory of my career so far is my first WHL goal in Brandon while my brother was is the penalty box.

What parts of your game, do you hope to transition to the NHL?

Parts of my game I hope to transition into the NHL is my skating as well as my hard to play against defensive mentality.

If you could meet one sports hero, who would it be?

If I could meet one sports hero it would be Tiger Woods. His mental game and his dominance over so many years is something that no other athlete has ever really done.

If you were on a deserted island, what is one thing you can’t live without?

One thing I couldn’t live without on a deserted island is peanut butter.

What did you do to keep yourself busy during quarantine?

To keep busy during quarantine, I did off ice training every day as well as school work. I spent lots of time watching Netflix and playing Playstation.