Austin Peay’s Precision Passer: Jeremiah Oatsvall

Jeremiah Oatsvall-Austin Peay Quarterback

Jeremiah Oatsvall is a Junior Quarterback at Austin Peay State University. Oatsvall is coming off of his Sophomore season, where he was 26/42 237 yards, along with 3 TD’s and 3 Interceptions. His Sophomore season sadly came to an early end after he suffered an injury in week 2. Oatsvall is looking to have a great comeback season, coming off of the season opener against Central Arkansas where he threw for 181 yards and rushed for 37 yards and 1 TD.

Growing up, were you inspired by any NFL Players?

Peyton Manning and Tim Tebow

What college team is your biggest rival?

Murray State and Tennessee State

What songs do you listen to pregame, to get you hyped up?

I don’t like to get over hyped when I play so I usually listen to country music.

What is your offseason training like?

lots of weightlifting, throwing , and watching film

What parts of your game, do you think transitioned the best from high school to college?

My ability to make plays when things break down

What advice would you have for a young football player, who has dreams of playing in the NFL?

No matter where they are at to never give up and work hard. NFL scouts find people from everywhere.

If you could meet one sports hero, who would it be?

Tom Brady

What is your favorite sports moment, as a fan?

The Super Bowl between the Patriots and the Falcons

What is your favorite memory of your college career?

Winning the OVC Championship

What will you miss the most about Austin Peay?

My teammates and the administration