One Of The Top 10 Wide Receivers In California: Ezavier Staples

Ezavier Staples-UCLA Wide Receiver Commit

Ezavier Staples is a 3 Star recruit who plays Wide Receiver at Millikan High School. Staples is ranked as a Top 65 Wide Receiver in the nation nd is a Top 50 recruit in the state of California. In addition, Staples is listed as the #6 Wide Receiver in the state of California as well. Ezavier Staples is committed to play at UCLA next fall.

Growing up, were you inspired by any NFL Players?

I wouldn’t say inspired but I mean my favorite team was the 49ers comin up Nd I was always a fan of frank gore but now I’m starting to feel more inspired by Julio Jones.

What high school is your biggest rival?

Our biggest rival is Lakewood…they jus took the trophy back this year but we gone get em.

What songs do you listen to pregame, to get you hyped up?

 I’m more of a relaxed type of guy so I can listen to Like any rnb…music isn’t really the hype way for me that’s jus a way to relax my nerves but my teammates is what get me hype.

What is your offseason training like?

 I’m just doin field work and speed training…it’s hard to get into the weight room nowadays but practice is about to start back up so I should be back to my top peak in about a month or two.

What is your favorite memory of your high school career?

This year I actually made a one handed catch to boost my teams momentum going in to the second half…one of the most hyped situation last I been in.

What parts of your high school game, do you hope to transition to the college level?

I got a lot to work on so I know positives and my negatives but I feel like something I’m gonna transfer into my college game would be my use of size.

What made UCLA stand out from other schools?

Most definitely the fact that UCLA is close to home Nd I’ll have a good education set up for me…UCLA is mote than a school it’s like a brand, you say you went to UCLA and eyes start to open up.

What do you want to accomplish on and off the field during your time at UCLA?

I want to get to a master’s degree if the opportunity shows itself and on the field I jus want to be a good team player I obviously want to break records if possible and have breakout seasons but nun of that would matter if my team losing.

If you could meet one sports hero, who would it be?

 I would want to meet Jackie Robinson jus to ask him how he did it. But if u mean that’s still alive than I would say MJ for the fact that he was a goat and he knew what it took, you have to surround yourself with people like that.

What is your favorite sports moment, as a fan?

I’m not to big on watching sports or anything but uhm I jus remember watching the miners in the super bowl in ‘13.