The #2 Kicker In The Class Of 2026: Michael Taylor

Michael Taylor is a 2026 recruit who plays Kicker at St. Thomas High School. Taylor is ranked among one of the top recruits in the class of 2026 and is ranked as the #2 Kicker in the class as well. In addition, Taylor is listed among one of the top recruits in the state of Texas and is listed as the #1 Kicker in the state of Texas.

Who are some role models in your life?

My role model as of now is Eddie Ogamba. He was the kicker at South Dakota, and I look up to him because he is the type of kicker I want to become. He has textbook form and a boot for a leg. I watch his technique and try to implement the things he does into mine.

What are the strengths of your game?

My main strength in my kicking game is the distance I get on my kicks. This helps in all aspects of kicking, but mostly on kickoff, where I can consistently hit 65+ yard kicks. A mental strength I have is my dedication to the game and to getting better with every chance I get.

What is your favorite memory of your career?

My favorite memory of my football career was when I made the game-tying PAT for my middle school team in 6th grade.

Who is the best player you have ever played with or played against in your career?

The best player I have played with is probably my running back, Johann Cardenas. He is a four star recruit who is committed to Texas Tech.

What is some advice you would give to an aspiring D1 athlete?

I would tell them, just as I tell myself, to work as hard as or harder than someone at the level they are striving for. It is essential that you are determined and have a great work ethic to make sure you are getting where you want to be. You should make every single day count and never pass up an opportunity to become better.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

I would like to one day travel to Rio de Janeiro.

How old were you when you fell in love with the game?

I was about 11 or 12 years old when I fell in love with kicking. It was 6th grade when my coach asked who wanted to be a kicker after practice, and my friends insisted that I try. I tried out for the spot and didn’t do too well, but I knew I wanted to kick. I started to train at the football field near my house two times a day, and my motivation was to take the varsity spot. That was the spark that lit the bonfire of the love I have for kicking today.

If you could meet one sports hero, who would it be?

I would want to meet Adam Vinatieri.

What is your favorite sports moment, as a fan?

My favorite sports moment was when Justin Tucker hit the game winning field goal against Texas A&M to take home the win for the University of Texas. Although I was not alive during this moment, it still gives me chills to watch the clip, and it has to be my favorite sports moment.

Comments (1)

  1. Mike Taylor (aka: Dad)

    Taylor’s unrelenting work ethic & determination is extraordinary.

    But … “If [I] could meet one sports hero, who would it be?”

    I would want to meet the highest scoring Houston Oiler to ever exist … the greatest KICKER I’ve ever seen … the guy that I grew up watching Sunday after Sunday, Field Goal after Field Goal … Al Del Greco!!!

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