The #1 Kicker In Tennessee: Wyatt Joyce

Wyatt Joyce is a 2024 recruit who plays Kicker at Marshall County High School. Joyce is ranked among one of the top recruits in the class of 2024 and is ranked as a top 45 Kicker in the class as well. In addition, Joyce is listed among one of the top recruits in the state of Tennessee and is listed as the #1 Kicker in the state of Tennessee. He currently holds an offer from Air Force.

Who are some role models in your life?

I’d say my dad and my coaches are my role models. They always set an achievable yet difficult goal for me to work towards.

What artists do you listen to pregame, to get you hyped up?

Usually before a game l’m a Chief Keef type of guy, but some days I do like to listen to instrumental versions of rock songs.

What are the strengths of your game?

I feel like one of my biggest strengths is being consistent. Consistently showing up and pursuing to perfect the same motions time and time again.

What is your favorite memory of your career?

Hitting a 44 harder that won us a game this previous season is definitely one of my favorite moments. I felt like the work I had been doing the past years all fell together and rewarded me.

Who is the best player you have ever played with or played against in your career?

Freshman year I was able to be under and take advice from a soon to be D1 kicker. He made the game fun and showed me the standard I needed to be at by senior year.

What is some advice you would give to an aspiring D1 athlete?

If you really want to get to the next level you need to find one thing everyday to get better at. For me, that was working on my steps one day and maybe swing path the next. Don’t just walk through practice, try to tone in on one aspect of your game every day.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be?

I would choose to travel to the European countries and be able to experience that different life style and participate in their culture.

How old were you when you fell in love with the game?

I’d say it was about 8th grade when I figured out that football was becoming a huge part of my life. It became what’d I’d think about and what I wanted to do when I had free time.

If you could meet one sports hero, who would it be?

I would choose to meet Adam Vinatieri. I would love to ask him about how he was consistently great in the league. He was one of the players that no matter which circumstance, he held enough responsibility to be the answer.

What is your favorite sports moment, as a fan?

As a fan I loved watching the 2019 LSU Tigers. I felt like Joe Burrow made himself during that season.