Texas Tech’s Next Star Wide Receiver: Jerand Bradley

Jerand Bradley-Texas Tech Wide Receiver Commit

Jerand Bradley is a 4 Star recruit who plays Wide Receiver at DeSoto High School. Bradley is ranked as a Top 30 Wide Receiver in the nation and is ranked as a Top 30 recruit in the state of Texas. In addition, he is listed as a Top 5 Wide Receiver in the state of Texas. Jerand Bradley is committed to play at Texas Tech next fall.

Growing up, were you inspired by any NFL Players?

Growing up I was inspired by Randy Moss and Terrell Owens just because they were so dominant at the WR position.

What high school is your biggest rival?

Nolan Catholic

What songs do you listen to pregame, to get you hyped up?

 I listen to anything to be honest, just to keep me in a good mood.

What is your offseason training like?

 It’s very Hectic. Just training 3 times a week then recovery when I’m not working out.

What is your favorite memory of your high school career?

Favorite memory, still got plenty of time

What parts of your high school game, do you hope to transition to the college level?

 Just my physicality, speed and quickness

What made Texas Tech stand out from other schools?

Texas Tech just felt like home and I like the idea of changing the program around.

What do you want to accomplish on and off the field during your time at Texas Tech?

 I just want to impact everyone around me.

If you could meet one sports hero, who would it be?

Lebron for sure

What is your favorite sports moment, as a fan?

Favorite sports moment is Lebron winning the Finals this year.