One Of The Top 5 Quarterbacks In The Class Of 2023: Tad Hudson

Tad Hudson- William Amos Hough Quarterback

Tad Hudson is a 4 Star recruit who plays Quarterback at William Amos Hough High School. Hudson is ranked as the 27th best recruit in the Class of 2023 and is ranked as the #4 Quarterback in the class as well. In addition, Hudson is listed as the #1 recruit in the state of North Carolina.Hudson is also ranked as the #4 Pro Style Quarterback in the Class of 2023. His top offers are, Texas, UNC, and Tennessee.

Growing up, were you inspired by any NFL Players?

Yes sir I’ve watched Tom Brady growing up

What high school is your biggest rival?

Mallard Creek, it’s always a good game between the two teams. Two of the best teams in the state.

What songs do you listen to pregame, to get you hyped up?

 I start out with some hype rap or workout music, then close to game time I’ll put on some country or slower music to calm me down..

What is your offseason training like?

A lot of throwing football and working out. I play baseball and basketball in the summer.

What is your favorite memory of your high school career, so far?

Playing against Richmond I threw a 80 yard touchdown and it got loud.

Who is the best player you have ever played with or played against in your high school career?

Evan Pryor, running back going to Ohio State

What do you look for in choosing a college?

Wherever I get the feeling that’s right and feels like home

When did you start looking at colleges, and when did colleges start looking at you?

Summer going into my freshman season I went to a couple camps and I started talking to NC State after the camp a lot.

If you could meet one sports hero, who would it be?

Gardner Minshew

What is your favorite sports moment, as a fan?

I went to a Arkansas game when I was 11 and it was the best game experience seen.